About ACT Exam
How Your Score is Calculated (directly from the ACT website)
- First we count the number of questions on each test that you
answered correctly. We do not deduct any points for incorrect answers.
- Then we convert your raw scores (number of correct answers) to
"scale scores." Scale scores have the same meaning for all the
different versions of the ACT offered on different test dates.
- Your Composite score and each test
score (English, Mathematics, Reading, Science) range from 1 (low) to
36 (high). The Composite Score is the average of your four test scores, rounded
to the nearest whole number.
- We compute your seven subscores
(Usage/Mechanics, Rhetorical Skills, etc.) in the same way, but subscores range
from 1 (low) to 18 (high). There is no direct, arithmetic relationship between
subscores and test score-this means your subscores usually won't add up to your
test score.